Raelians celebrate International Peace Day across the US

29 Sep, 2014
 None    North America

Last Sunday was International Peace Day and Raelians held One Minute for Peace Meditations in cities across the globe following Maitreya Rael's recent address explaining that meditating for peace is the only chance for the planet to survive.

1mfp_2014_miami1.jpg Last Sunday was International Peace Day and Raelians held One Minute for Peace Meditations in cities across the globe following Maitreya Rael's recent address explaining that meditating for peace is the only chance for the planet to survive.

In Miami, Raelians joined other peace activists on the beach.

Donna Newman, Guide for the southeastern US, gave a meditation to the group of hundreds of activists forming a peace sign that was photographed by a drone hovering above them.

In Las Vegas, the local team was joined by Chess Grandmaster Timur Gareev (3rd from the right in picture below) who is known worldwide for his simultaneous blindfold chess records.

Peace meditations were held in many other cities throughout the US. Here are pictures from some of those events:

1mfp 2014 Baltimore
1mfp 2014 Seattle
1mfp 2014 Sanford
1mfp 2014 Nyc
1mfp 2014 Neworleans
1mfp 2014 Miami21mfp 2014 Lv21mfp 2014 Lv11mfp 2014 La1mfp 2014 Hawaii1mfp 2014 Cleveland1mfp 2014 Boston1mfp 2014 Baltimore1mfp 2014 Miami3