
Sydney Mardi Gras refuses Aramis slogan

ARAMIS Raelians always made a big impact during Sydney Mardi Gras.

Open letter to the board of Sydney Mardi Gras

Open letter to Michael Rolik, CEO and the Board of Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, by Luke Roberts, aka Pope Alice, Raelian Guide and member of the ARAMIS association

Raelians censored and expelled by Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade

After refusing to comply with censorship imposed by Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade, the Raelians have been expelled after 12 years of participation in the event.

Drag Queen Christ Art stirs Passions

An artwork by artist Luke Roberts, who is a Level 4 Guide in Oceania, has been causing a sensation in Australia.

Raelian arrested for wishing to explain the true meaning of the Swastika symbol

Australian police broke up a peaceful celebration of the ancient and sacred swastika symbol in Queensland and arrested the leader of the Australian Raelian Movement during World Swastika Rehabilitation Day on Sunday June 27th.

The raelians at the gay parade in Sydney

Even in a politically correct parade we can be politically incorrect.

Raelian poster enters two major Australian Art Collections

Debaptisation ceremonies with pope Alice, a piece of art and a lot of fun