
Rael condemns Rabbi who says 'Gentile sperm leads to barbaric offspring'

According to a recent article published here a senior authority on Jewish law in the Religious Zionism movement, Rabbi Dov Lior, said that a Jewish woman should never get pregnant using sperm donated by a non-Jewish man – even if it is the last option available.

Over Two Million Children Home-schooled in the US

A study released a few days ago by the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) estimates that there were over 2 million children being home-schooled in the United States in 2010.

Father Christmas banned at children's centre after Muslim family complained

Father Christmas has been banned from visiting a children's nursery in Minnesota after a Muslim family complained.

Raelism implies Atheism and Responsibilization

It was quite a surprise for the American Raelians to learn a few days ago about the suicides of Daniel Boli-Gbagra, his wife and her daughter in Miami.

Rael in support of Hawking. "There is no need of a god to explain the universe"

Raelians worldwide are following with interest the heated debate sparked by British physicist Stephen Hawking’s latest book, “The Grand Design.”

Rael predicts imminent wave of UFO sightings throughout China

Rael announced in a statement released today that a UFO that appeared over the Hangzhou airport, forcing authorities to close that facility, is “just the beginning of a huge wave of UFO apparitions that will appear starting now all over China.”

Rael invites all Raelians and non-Raelians, especially Muslims, to make caricatures of himself.

Rael has expressed his support for all who protest threats made by radical Muslim groups against people making images that depict the prophet Muhammad.

Stephen Hawking's warnings about aliens based on evolutionist prejudice

Stephen Hawking's new documentary series “Universe” will air on the Discovery Channel starting on Sunday May 9.

“The Trauma Myth” by Susan A. Clancy will help abuse victims more than years of therapy will!

Rael has expressed his support for psychologist Susan Clancy, who says the conventional trauma model emphasizing “damaging” aspects of sexual “abuse” in childhood is incorrect.

Prehistoric UFO and ET images found in remote cave in India

It was a pleasure to read the article posted below, showing another evidence that human beings from another planet were on earth a long time ago.