Following its year-long inquiry into drugs policy, the Commons Home Affairs Committee concluded that efforts to combat the drug barons had failed and called for the UK Government to consider the possibility of legalizing and regulating the use of drugs.

Following its year-long inquiry into drugs policy, the Commons Home Affairs Committee concluded that efforts to combat the drug barons had failed and called for the UK Government to consider the possibility of legalizing and regulating the use of drugs.
Rael fully approved the committee conclusions.
“They are absolutely right ! Criminalizing drugs is putting depressed and hopeless people in jail, where they get more hopeless and depressed and then can become real criminals. To punish sad people who try to escape in artificial heavens is not only stupid : its criminal Instead society should have values based on love, sharing , and compassion which give hope and oneness feeling to everyone.”
The UK is not the only country considering new drug policy. Recently Portugal has “depenalized” drugs allowing possession of small amounts to not be subjected to criminal penalties. Two US states have legalized cannabis and Uruguay recently proposed a state monopoly of cannabis production and sale.
Rael has long called for such a move as prohibition has never been a solution. “ Police and jail are not the right answers to depression and hopelessness and criminalization of drugs just creates more crime due to illegal trafficking as no prohibition has ever stopped, nor will it ever stop the use of any substance.”
“Alcohol and tobacco are sold freely, while they are even more dangerous than cannabis and kill many more people every year. If we accept that alcohol and tobacco are sold with simple warnings on the label about the dangers of using them, why not do the same with all other drugs, especially cannabis? The real solution to help people stop using drugs (or alcohol or tobacco) is to give them new values and new philosophies which destroy guilt and encourage pleasure so they can enjoy life without needing any drug.”
The Raelian philosophy has helped thousands of Raelians to stop using drugs. To know more about Rael's teachings go to or attend one of your local Happiness Academies ( see events on