North America

Raelians at Slutwalk

16 Jun, 2011
 None    North America

Raelians in Chicago and Toronto took part in local Slutwalks, a new event that was initiated after a Toronto police officer stated that “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized” (

6 1308203446 0 RaeliaRaelians in Chicago and Toronto took part in local Slutwalks, a new event that was initiated after a Toronto police officer stated that “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized” (

Maitreya Rael had commented on this saying "I strongly support this movement. It's this type of conservative police officer, poisoned by primitive religious values and prejudice, who can turn into one of the 'dress police' like those in Iran, who end up forcing women to wear veils or even burkas. Women have the right even to go topless or nude without being physically abused or raped."

Diane tells us from the Toronto event that "approximately 2,000 women walked the streets of Hamilton to stand up to the justice system and demanded that police officers be properly trained."

Marc reports from Chicago saying: "We could feel the revolution in the air. We could feel the hunger for justice and fairness. We felt privileged to be a part of this wonderful group of people who represent the antitheses of lemmings marching off the cliff."
