
Rael in support of Brics Union

16 Apr, 2012
 None    Politics


The fourth annual gathering of the world's fastest-growing economic powers – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – also called the BRICS, was held in New Delhi at the end of March during which the representatives of these countries proposed the creation of a joint development bank and discussed a greater stock market co-operation.

The fourth annual gathering of the world's fastest-growing economic powers – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – also called the BRICS, was held in New Delhi at the end of March during which the representatives of these countries proposed the creation of a joint development bank and discussed a greater stock market co-operation. The World bank director shortly after acknowledged the new Bank.
According to officials, this new bank will allow the countries to pool resources for infrastructure improvements. An equity index derivative, shared by the stock exchanges of the five Brics nations, is expected to be launched also to facilitate cross-border stock-market investment.

Maitreya Rael commented on this new cooperation step saying that “this union is the only way to oppose and destroy Western imperialism.”

He added:
“Their next move will be to create a new world currency, a move which will accelerate the destruction of the US dollar, just like Saddam Hussein and Muhamar Kaddhafi tried to create one, which triggered immediately the US led invasion and destruction that we know were led under false pretexts of non-existent weapons of mass destruction or so-called “humanitarian protection”. But with now Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa united, they will not dare to do the same. Cowardly attacking weak small countries was a piece of cake but now that countries with nuclear powers like India and China are part of this union, they can't do anything except risking a nuclear world war which would see at least millions of immediate victims inside US cities, and which may be fatal for the whole of Humanity.”

Together the BRICS states account for 43 per cent of the world's population and 40 per cent of global GDP.

Rael concluded: “The US should also realize that with its 313 million inhabitants, it is dwarfed by this new union which represents a staggering 3 billion population, 10 times more and almost a half of Humanity. It's time for the Western world to start behaving with humility and not anymore with a colonialist and imperialist mind. If not, in a spectacular and rightful return of situation, they may well end up being colonized by their very ex-colonies...”