Strong emotions for the Swastika Rehabilitation Day in Canada

30 Jun, 2016
 None    North America

On June 26, for a beautiful summer day, the Raelians were many to participate in the Swastika Rehabilitation Day across Canada.

On June 26, for a beautiful summer day, the Raelians were many to participate in the Swastika Rehabilitation Day across Canada.
In the four cities where they expressed their pleasure to share the true meaning and origin of the millennium symbol of our Creators.

The Swastika Rehabilitation Day was also a success in terms of communication on social media and with the Canadian religious associations who are also using the swastika.


Closing the event on Tuesday evening, June 28, Nicole Bertrand, Raelian Guide, was the guest speaker of a public online conference, a first! This conference brilliantly summarized the importance of this religious symbol everywhere on earth, including many references and images.

Since most Westerners are only making a link between the swastika and its usurpation by the Nazis, just a few decades ago, our action raised a whole range of emotions from the public, from astonishment to incredulity and sometimes even verbal aggression. All this underlines the need to annually hold this public event, the only way to dissociate the meaning of this symbol of peace and good fortune from the Nazi imposture. It is now time to stop giving so much credit to this criminal organization and through our action, more and more people become aware of this.


Faced with such reactions, the Raelians will gather again next year to continue the awareness campaign for the rehabilitation of the Swastika symbol.